Led by Westerville City Schools, EDCITE is a consortium of five school districts in partnership with The Ohio State University that is addressing the critical task of transitioning Ohio’s school districts from print to digital curriculum in order to provide more customized, personalized learning opportunities to meet students’ diverse instructional needs and positively impact student learning. The consortium is accomplishing this by launching SpotOn, a statewide Digital Content Evaluation Portal, and delivering professional development modules that focus on content evaluation, instructional design and effective pedagogical practices using digital curriculum.
- Westerville City Schools
- Ohio Resource Center, The Ohio State University
- Licking Heights
- South-Western City Schools
- Fairbanks Local Schools
- Buckeye Valley
To date, over 162 teachers within the five participating school districts have completed over 876 digital content reviews. These content reviews are available at no cost and provide users with valuable information to make confident, informed decisions on the most appropriate digital content to meet teaching and learning needs. The reviews will be showcased via SpotOn: The Classroom Content Selector website.
Professional Development
In addition to the published content reviews, Ohio teachers have access to online professional development modules and tailored assistance and training from Ohio Resource Center Content Specialists.
The EDCITE professional development modules are available at no cost to Ohio teachers and are delivered online in an asynchronous, self-paced format. To get started, choose a module below:
Ohio Standards Introduction
- Mathematics Use Access Code: WUEA-JDSN
- Science Use Access Code: NLQU-NIHP
- Social Studies Use Access Code: LWFJ-LPJQ
- English Language Arts Use Access Code: AEMR-LFQI
Standards Alignment
- Mathematics Use Access Code: WOBH-SYDP
- Science Use Access Code: OLRB-PYPX
- Social Studies Use Access Code: UILE-TYDH
- English Language Arts Use Access Code: SEKJ-AEJJ
Content Quality, Pedagogy and Technology Use Dimensions (not discipline specific) Use Access Code: NPRJ-USCO
Writing Professional Commentary (not discipline specific) Use Access Code: CGJO-XBIO
Additional modules will be available by the end of the year. Topics include transitioning from face-to-face instruction to teaching online, finding tools to fit your instructional needs, effective use of digital tools, and more.
If your district is looking for customized professional development, our Content Specialists will be happy to help you. Please contact Marcie Kamb at mkamb@ohiorc.org for more information.
More information
To learn more, including the implementation timeline, number of devices purchased, and reviews completed by district, view the latest report.